Catalina Breakfast Forum: Saturday, Feb 01, 9-10am in Fellowship Hall

Join us on Sat., Feb. 01 at 9am for breakfast and speaker Alejandro Apalategui, Recruiting Director, PCSD will present "Pima County Sheriff's Auxiliary Volunteers." Breakfast is $4/person at the door. Please RSVP to 520-327-4296 so we have an idea of how much food to prepare!

Join us on Sat., Feb. 01 at 9am in Fellowship Hall (located on the NW corner of 1st Street and Treat Avenue – across from the Himmel Library) for breakfast and speaker Alejandro Apalategui, Recruiting Director, PCSD, who will present “Pima County Sheriff’s Auxiliary Volunteers.” Breakfast is $4/person at the door. Please RSVP to 520-327-4296 so we have an idea of how much food to prepare!